Selasa, 11 September 2012

Eleven "Mores" and "Lesses" in Health Keeping

Eating too much will cause higher risk of diabetes. Eating more fruits can reduce the risk of stroke and help prevent and fight against cancer.
More tea, less smoke
Tea is very beneficial to the human body. It can quench the thirst, eliminate fatigue, brighten the eyes, prevent cancer, delay aging and prolong the life. Smoking can cause a variety of physiological and biochemical changes in tissues and organs, reduce the blood oxygen content, increase blood pressure, affect the immune and cause a variety of diseases.
More water, less wine
Drinking boiled water can promote metabolism, increase blood hemoglobin content and improve immune function. People who are used to drinking boiled water have higher deoxidizing enzyme contain and less accumulation of lactic acid in muscle tissues and will not feel tired easily. A cup of water every morning for the old people produces magical efficacy for longevity enhancement. Large amount of alcohol drinking can damage gastrointestinal mucosa, causing gastric ulcers, gastric hemorrhage and inducing heart disease, stroke and fetal deformity or low intelligence.
More vegetables, less meat
Eating too much meat can lead to increases in blood fat, blood viscosity and weight. Vegetables are not only tasty, but also they can soften blood vessels, enhance blood capillary elasticity, clear away the internal heat and toxic materials.
More chewing and less food
Chewing can help digestion, reduce the risks of suffering from diseases. Less food volume means we can appropriately increase the times diet, reduce the amount of food to reduce the burden of the stomach.
More vinegar, less salt
Eating too much salt can lead to high blood pressure, stroke and kidney disease, etc. Proper amount of vinegar every day can be very conducive to hypertension and atherosclerosis.
More smile, less anger
Anger is likely to cause brain nerve disorder, bad mood and disturbance of the human body balance. Anger can cause toxins accumulation inside the body and shorten the life.
More sleep, less worries
Sadness and worry can't do anything but affect balance regulating system. Lack of sleep can affect the body's immune function, making the person vulnerable to diseases. It is advisable to sleep 8 hours every day.
More baths, less clothes
Proper reduction of clothes can adapt the body to the environment, enhance the contraction and expansion function of the subcutaneous capillaries, improve the resistance to diseases. A bath can give the skin an appropriate message, smoothen blood flow, eliminate fatigue and refresh the mind.
More practices, less medicine
Good health relies on proper self care, but not only the doctor's prescription. Apart from doing regular exercises, we should develop an optimistic attitude and cheerful outlook on life.
More movements, less laziness
Life is all about exercise. Exercise helps regulate the balance of the body and enhance immunity. Laziness is likely to cause retard in thinking, decline in body quality and mental illness.

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